
Scout Shop

Leicester South West District has its very own charity shop raising money for OUR District.

The store is located at 83 Narborough Road, Leicester and is open Monday – Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm.

How can you and your teams support this venture?

Now we have the premises we need more stock to fill it! We are looking for all kinds of things from Clothes, books and DVDs to toys, and Bric-a-brac.. You can drop items off to the store during opening hours. Please do not leave items outside of the store.

We are also looking for more volunteers to join the staff team. If you are interested please contact Yvonne Waters on 07850739796 or via email

The current rota for the shop can be seem at the foot of the page.

The Leicestershire County Equipment Store can be found here

The National Scouts Shop can be found here